Source code for cufflinks.pandastools

import pandas as pd
import re

def _screen(self,include=True,**kwargs):
	Filters a DataFrame for columns that contain the given strings. 
		include : bool
			If False then it will exclude items that match 
			the given filters.
			This is the same as passing a regex ^keyword
		kwargs : 
			Key value pairs that indicate the column and 
			value to screen for

	for k,v in list(kwargs.items()):
		v=[v] if type(v)!=list else v
		if include:
	return df

def _swapcolumns(self):
	Swaps first and second columns. 
	Useful for inverting axis when plotting. 


	Returns : DataFrame

	return self.reindex_axis([self.columns[1],self.columns[0]],axis=1)

[docs]def bestfit(self): """ Returns a series with the bestfit values. Example: Series.bestfit() Returns: series The returned series contains a parameter called 'formula' which includes the string representation of the bestfit line. """ # statsmodel cannot be included on requirements.txt # see # which shares the same issue as statsmodel try: import statsmodels.api as sm except: raise Exception("statsmodels is required: " \ "please run " \ "pip install statsmodels" ) x=pd.Series(list(range(1,len(self)+1)),index=self.index) x=sm.add_constant(x) model=sm.OLS(self,x) vals=fit.params.values best_fit=fit.fittedvalues # the below methods have been deprecated in Pandas # model=pd.ols(x=x,y=self,intercept=True) # best_fit=model.y_fitted best_fit.formula='%.2f*x+%.2f' % (vals[0],vals[1]) return best_fit
[docs]def normalize(self,asOf=None,multiplier=100): """ Returns a normalized series or DataFrame Example: Series.normalize() Returns: series of DataFrame Parameters: ----------- asOf : string Date format '2015-02-29' multiplier : int Factor by which the results will be adjusted """ if not asOf: x0=self.ix[0] else: x0=self.ix[asOf] return self/x0*multiplier
[docs]def read_google(url,**kwargs): """ Reads a google sheet """ if url[-1]!='/': url+='/' return pd.read_csv(url+'export?gid=0&format=csv',**kwargs)
pd.DataFrame.screen=_screen pd.DataFrame.swapcolumns=_swapcolumns pd.DataFrame.normalize=normalize pd.read_google=read_google pd.Series.normalize=normalize pd.Series.bestfit=bestfit