Source code for cufflinks.quant_figure


QuantFigure allows you to create a persistent object. 
Annotations and Technical Studies can be added on demand. 

It accepts any dataframe with a timeseries index. 

Try it out:


from __future__ import absolute_import

import json
import copy
import pandas as pd

from . import tools
from . import ta
from . import utils
from . import colors
from . import auth
from . import date_tools

__QUANT_FIGURE_DATA = ['kind','showlegend','datalegend','name','slice','resample','bestfit',
__QUANT_FIGURE_LAYOUT = ['annotations','showlegend','margin','rangeselector','rangeslider','shapes',
__QUANT_FIGURE_THEME = ['theme','up_color','down_color']
__QUANT_FIGURE_PANELS = ['min_panel_size','spacing','top_margin','bottom_margin']

[docs]def get_layout_kwargs(): return tools.__LAYOUT_KWARGS
[docs]def get_annotation_kwargs(): return tools.__ANN_KWARGS
[docs]def get_shapes_kwargs(): return tools.__SHAPES_KWARGS
[docs]class QuantFig(object): def __init__(self,df,kind='candlestick',columns=None,**kwargs): self.df=df self.studies={}{} self.theme={} self.panels={} self.layout={} self.trendlines=[] self.kwargs={} # Set column names if not columns: columns={} for _ in ['open','high','low','close','volume']: columns[_]=kwargs.pop(_,'') self._d=ta._ohlc_dict(df,**columns) # Set initial annotations annotations={ 'values':[], 'params':utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,get_annotation_kwargs(),{},clean_origin=True) } ann_values=kwargs.pop('annotations',None) if ann_values: if utils.is_list(ann_values): annotations['values'].extend(ann_values) else: annotations['values'].append(ann_values) # initial values'datalegend',True),name=kwargs.pop('name','Trace 1'),kind=kind)'slice',(None,None)),resample=kwargs.pop('resample',None)) # self.layout initial values self.layout['shapes']=utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,get_shapes_kwargs(),{},clean_origin=True) for k,v in list(self.layout['shapes'].items()): if not isinstance(v,list): self.layout['shapes'][k]=[v] self.layout['rangeselector']=kwargs.pop('rangeselector',{'visible':False}) self.layout['rangeslider']=kwargs.pop('rangeslider',False) self.layout['margin']=kwargs.pop('margin',dict(t=30,b=30,r=30,l=30)) self.layout['annotations']=annotations self.layout['showlegend']=kwargs.pop('showlegend',True) self.layout.update(utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,get_layout_kwargs(),{},clean_origin=True)) # self.theme initial values self.theme['theme']=kwargs.pop('theme',auth.get_config_file()['theme']) self.theme['up_color']=kwargs.pop('up_color','java') self.theme['down_color']=kwargs.pop('down_color','grey') # self.panels initial values self.panels['min_panel_size']=kwargs.pop('min_panel_size',.15) self.panels['spacing']=kwargs.pop('spacing',.08) self.panels['top_margin']=kwargs.pop('top_margin',0.9) self.panels['bottom_margin']=kwargs.pop('top_margin',0) self.update(**kwargs) def _get_schema(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the schema for a QuantFigure """ d={} layout_kwargs=dict((_,'') for _ in get_layout_kwargs()) for _ in ('data','layout','theme','panels'): d[_]={} for __ in eval('__QUANT_FIGURE_{0}'.format(_.upper())): layout_kwargs.pop(__,None) d[_][__]=None d['layout'].update(annotations=dict(values=[], params=utils.make_dict_from_list(get_annotation_kwargs()))) d['layout'].update(shapes=utils.make_dict_from_list(get_shapes_kwargs())) [layout_kwargs.pop(_,None) for _ in get_annotation_kwargs()+get_shapes_kwargs()] d['layout'].update(**layout_kwargs) return d def _get_sliced(self,slice,df=None): """ Returns a sliced DataFrame Parameters ---------- slice : tuple(from,to) from : str to : str States the 'from' and 'to' values which will get rendered as df.ix[from:to] df : DataFrame If omitted then the QuantFigure.DataFrame is resampled. """ df=self.df.copy() if df==None else df if type(slice) not in (list,tuple): raise Exception('Slice must be a tuple two values') if len(slice)!=2: raise Exception('Slice must be a tuple two values') a,b=slice a=None if a in ('',None) else utils.make_string(a) b=None if b in ('',None) else utils.make_string(b) return df.ix[a:b] def _get_resampled(self,rule,how={'ohlc':'last','volume':'sum'},df=None,**kwargs): """ Returns a resampled DataFrame Parameters ---------- rule : str the offset string or object representing target conversion for all aliases available see how : str or dict states the form in which the resampling will be done. Examples: how={'volume':'sum'} how='count' df : DataFrame If omitted then the QuantFigure.DataFrame is resampled. kwargs For more information see """ df=self.df.copy() if df is None else df if rule==None: return df else: if isinstance(how,dict): if 'ohlc' in how: v=how.pop('ohlc') for _ in ['open','high','low','close']: how[_]=v _how=how.copy() for _ in _how: if _ not in self._d: del how[_] return df.resample(rule=rule,**kwargs).apply(how)
[docs] def update(self,**kwargs): """ Updates the values for a QuantFigure The key-values are automatically assigned to the correct section of the QuantFigure """ if 'columns' in kwargs: self._d=ta._ohlc_dict(self.df,columns=kwargs.pop('columns',None)) schema=self._get_schema() annotations=kwargs.pop('annotations',None) if annotations: self.layout['annotations']['values']=utils.make_list(annotations) for k,v in list(kwargs.items()): try: utils.dict_update(self.__dict__,k,v,schema) except: self.kwargs.update({k:v})
[docs] def delete(self,*args): """ Deletes the values for a QuantFigure The key-values are automatically deleted from the correct section of the QuantFigure """ if args: args=args[0] if utils.is_list(args[0]) else args path=utils.dict_path(self.__dict__) for _ in args: if _ in self.__dict__.keys(): raise Exception('"{0}" cannot be deleted'.format(_)) for a in args: try: if a in ('shapes'): self.layout[a].clear() elif a=='annotations': self.layout['annotations']={'values':[],'params':{}} else: del reduce(dict.get, path[a],self.__dict__)[a] except: raise Exception('Key: {0} not found'.format(a))
[docs] def figure(self,**kwargs): """ Returns a Plotly figure """ kwargs['asFigure']=True return self.iplot(**kwargs)
def _panel_domains(self,n=2,min_panel_size=.15,spacing=0.08,top_margin=1,bottom_margin=0): """ Returns the panel domains for each axis """ d={} for _ in range(n+1,1,-1): lower=round(bottom_margin+(min_panel_size+spacing)*(n+1-_),2) d['yaxis{0}'.format(_)]=dict(domain=(lower,lower+min_panel_size)) top=d['yaxis2']['domain'] d['yaxis2']['domain']=(top[0],top_margin) return d def _get_trendline(self,date0=None,date1=None,on=None,kind='trend',to_strfmt='%Y-%m-%d',from_strfmt='%d%b%y',**kwargs): """ Returns a trendline (line), support or resistance Parameters: date0 : string Trendline starting date date1 : string Trendline end date on : string Indicate the data series in which the trendline should be based. 'close' 'high' 'low' 'open' kind : string Defines de kind of trendline 'trend' 'resistance' 'support' mode : string Defines how the support/resistance will be drawn 'starttoened' : (x0,x1) 'fromstart' : (x0,date0) 'toend' : (date0,x1) text : string If passed, then an annotation will be added to the trendline (at mid point) from_strfmt : string Defines the date formating in which date0 and date1 are stated. default: '%d%b%y' to_strfmt : string Defines the date formatting to which it should be converted. This should match the same format as the timeseries index. default : '%Y-%m-%d' """ ann_values=copy.deepcopy(get_annotation_kwargs()) ann_values.extend(['x','y']) ann_kwargs=utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,ann_values,{},clean_origin=True) def position(d0,d1): return d0+(d1-d0)/2 date0=kwargs.pop('date',date0) date0=date_tools.stringToString(date0,from_strfmt,to_strfmt) if '-' not in date0 else date0 if kind=='trend': date1=date_tools.stringToString(date1,from_strfmt,to_strfmt) if '-' not in date1 else date1 on='close' if not on else on df=pd.DataFrame(self.df[self._d[on]]) y0=kwargs.get('y0',df.ix[date0].values[0]) y1=kwargs.get('y1',df.ix[date1].values[0]) if kind in ('support','resistance'): mode=kwargs.pop('mode','starttoend') if not on: on='low' if kind=='support' else 'high' df=pd.DataFrame(self.df[self._d[on]]) y0=kwargs.get('y0',df.ix[date0].values[0]) y1=kwargs.get('y1',y0) if mode=='starttoend': date0=df.index[0] date1=df.index[-1] elif mode=='toend': date1=df.index[-1] elif mode=='fromstart': date1=date0 date0=df.index[0] if isinstance(date0,pd.Timestamp): date0=date_tools.dateToString(date0,to_strfmt) if isinstance(date1,pd.Timestamp): date1=date_tools.dateToString(date1,to_strfmt) d={'x0':date0,'x1':date1,'y0':y0,'y1':y1} d.update(**kwargs) shape=tools.get_shape(**d) if ann_kwargs.get('text',False): ann_kwargs['x']=ann_kwargs.get('x',date_tools.dateToString(position(date_tools.stringToDate(date0,to_strfmt),date_tools.stringToDate(date1,to_strfmt)),to_strfmt)) ann_kwargs['y']=ann_kwargs.get('y',position(shape['y0'],shape['y1'])) else: ann_kwargs={} return {'shape':shape,'annotation':ann_kwargs}
[docs] def add_trendline(self,date0,date1,on='close',text=None,**kwargs): """ Adds a trendline to the QuantFigure. Given 2 dates, the trendline is connected on the data points that correspond to those dates. Parameters: date0 : string Trendline starting date date1 : string Trendline end date on : string Indicate the data series in which the trendline should be based. 'close' 'high' 'low' 'open' text : string If passed, then an annotation will be added to the trendline (at mid point) kwargs: from_strfmt : string Defines the date formating in which date0 and date1 are stated. default: '%d%b%y' to_strfmt : string Defines the date formatting to which it should be converted. This should match the same format as the timeseries index. default : '%Y-%m-%d' """ d={'kind':'trend','date0':date0,'date1':date1,'on':on,'text':text} d.update(**kwargs) self.trendlines.append(d)
[docs] def add_support(self,date,on='low',mode='starttoend',text=None,**kwargs): """ Adds a support line to the QuantFigure Parameters: date0 : string The support line will be drawn at the 'y' level value that corresponds to this date. on : string Indicate the data series in which the support line should be based. 'close' 'high' 'low' 'open' mode : string Defines how the support/resistance will be drawn 'starttoened' : (x0,x1) 'fromstart' : (x0,date) 'toend' : (date,x1) text : string If passed, then an annotation will be added to the support line (at mid point) kwargs: from_strfmt : string Defines the date formating in which date0 and date1 are stated. default: '%d%b%y' to_strfmt : string Defines the date formatting to which it should be converted. This should match the same format as the timeseries index. default : '%Y-%m-%d' """ d={'kind':'support','date':date,'mode':mode,'on':on,'text':text} d.update(**kwargs) self.trendlines.append(d)
[docs] def add_resistance(self,date,on='high',mode='starttoend',text=None,**kwargs): """ Adds a resistance line to the QuantFigure Parameters: date0 : string The resistance line will be drawn at the 'y' level value that corresponds to this date. on : string Indicate the data series in which the resistance should be based. 'close' 'high' 'low' 'open' mode : string Defines how the support/resistance will be drawn 'starttoened' : (x0,x1) 'fromstart' : (x0,date) 'toend' : (date,x1) text : string If passed, then an annotation will be added to the resistance (at mid point) kwargs: from_strfmt : string Defines the date formating in which date0 and date1 are stated. default: '%d%b%y' to_strfmt : string Defines the date formatting to which it should be converted. This should match the same format as the timeseries index. default : '%Y-%m-%d' """ d={'kind':'resistance','date':date,'mode':mode,'on':on,'text':text} d.update(**kwargs) self.trendlines.append(d)
[docs] def add_annotations(self,annotations,**kwargs): """ Add an annotation to the QuantFigure. Parameters: annotations : dict or list(dict,) Annotations can be on the form form of {'date' : 'text'} and the text will automatically be placed at the right level on the chart or A Plotly fully defined annotation kwargs : fontcolor : str Text color for annotations fontsize : int Text size for annotations textangle : int Textt angle See for a complete list of valid parameters. """ ann_kwargs=utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,get_annotation_kwargs(),{},clean_origin=True) if type(annotations)==list: self.layout['annotations']['values'].extend(annotations) else: self.layout['annotations']['values'].append(annotations) if ann_kwargs: self.layout['annotations']['params'].update(**ann_kwargs)
[docs] def add_shapes(self,**kwargs): """ Add a shape to the QuantFigure. kwargs : hline : int, list or dict Draws a horizontal line at the indicated y position(s) Extra parameters can be passed in the form of a dictionary (see shapes) vline : int, list or dict Draws a vertical line at the indicated x position(s) Extra parameters can be passed in the form of a dictionary (see shapes) hspan : (y0,y1) Draws a horizontal rectangle at the indicated (y0,y1) positions. Extra parameters can be passed in the form of a dictionary (see shapes) vspan : (x0,x1) Draws a vertical rectangle at the indicated (x0,x1) positions. Extra parameters can be passed in the form of a dictionary (see shapes) shapes : dict or list(dict) List of dictionaries with the specifications of a given shape. See help( for more information """ kwargs=utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,get_shapes_kwargs(),{},clean_origin=True) for k,v in list(kwargs.items()): if k in self.layout['shapes']: if utils.is_list(v): self.layout['shapes'][k].extend(v) else: self.layout['shapes'][k].append(v) else: self.layout['shapes'][k]=utils.make_list(v)
# def add_study(self,name,params={}): # if 'kind' in params: # if params['kind'] in self._valid_studies: # self.studies[name]=params # else: # raise Exception('Invalid study: {0}'.format(params['kind'])) # else: # raise Exception('Study kind required') def _add_study(self,study): """ Adds a study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: study : dict {'kind':study_kind, 'params':study_parameters, 'display':display_parameters} """ str='{study} {name}({period})' if study['params'].get('str',None)==None else study['params']['str'] study['params']['str']=str if not study['name']: study['name']=ta.get_column_name(study['kind'].upper(),study=study['kind'], str=str, period=study['params'].get('periods',None), column=study['params'].get('column',None)) restore=study['display'].pop('restore',False) if restore: _=self.studies.pop(study['kind'],None) if study['kind'] in self.studies: try: id='{0} ({1})'.format(study['kind'],study['params']['periods']) except: id='{0} ({1})'.format(study['kind'],'(2)') else: id=study['kind'] _id=id n=1 while id in self.studies: id='{0} ({1})'.format(_id,n) n+=1 self.studies[id]=study
[docs] def add_volume(self,colorchange=True,column=None,name='',str='{name}',**kwargs): """ Add 'volume' study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: colorchange : bool If true then each volume bar will have a fill color depending on if 'base' had a positive or negative change compared to the previous value column :string Defines the data column name that contains the volume data. Default: 'volume' name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs : base : string Defines the column which will define the positive/negative changes (if colorchange=True). Default = 'close' up_color : string Color for positive bars down_color : string Color for negative bars """ if not column: column=self._d['volume'] up_color=kwargs.pop('up_color',self.theme['up_color']) down_color=kwargs.pop('down_color',self.theme['down_color']) study={'kind':'volume', 'name':name, 'params':{'changecolor':True,'base':'close','column':column, 'str':None}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'up_color':up_color,'down_color':down_color},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_macd(self,fast_period=12,slow_period=26,signal_period=9,column=None, name='',str=None,**kwargs): """ Add Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: fast_period : int MACD Fast Period slow_period : int MACD Slow Period signal_period : int MACD Signal Period column :string Defines the data column name that contains the data over which the study will be applied. Default: 'close' name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ if not column: column=self._d['close'] study={'kind':'macd', 'name':name, 'params':{'fast_period':fast_period,'slow_period':slow_period, 'signal_period':signal_period,'column':column, 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':False,'colors':['blue','red']},kwargs)} study['params']['periods']='[{0},{1},{2}]'.format(fast_period,slow_period,signal_period) self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_sma(self,periods=20,column=None,name='', str=None,**kwargs): """ Add Simple Moving Average (SMA) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods column :string Defines the data column name that contains the data over which the study will be applied. Default: 'close' name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ if not column: column=self._d['close'] study={'kind':'sma', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'column':column, 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':False},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_rsi(self,periods=20,rsi_upper=70,rsi_lower=30,showbands=True,column=None, name='',str=None,**kwargs): """ Add Relative Strength Indicator (RSI) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods rsi_upper : int bounds [0,100] Upper (overbought) level rsi_lower : int bounds [0,100] Lower (oversold) level showbands : boolean If True, then the rsi_upper and rsi_lower levels are displayed column :string Defines the data column name that contains the data over which the study will be applied. Default: 'close' name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ if not column: column=self._d['close'] str=str if str else '{name}({column},{period})' study={'kind':'rsi', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'column':column, 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':True,'rsi_upper':rsi_upper, 'rsi_lower':rsi_lower,'showbands':showbands},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_bollinger_bands(self,periods=20,boll_std=2,fill=True,column=None,name='', str='{name}({column},{period})',**kwargs): """ Add Bollinger Bands (BOLL) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods boll_std : int Number of standard deviations for the bollinger upper and lower bands fill : boolean If True, then the innner area of the bands will filled column :string Defines the data column name that contains the data over which the study will be applied. Default: 'close' name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one fillcolor : string Color to be used for the fill color. Example: 'rgba(62, 111, 176, .4)' All formatting values available on iplot() """ if not column: column=self._d['close'] study={'kind':'boll', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'boll_std':boll_std,'column':column, 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':True,'fill':fill},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_ema(self,periods=20,column=None,str=None, name='',**kwargs): """ Add Exponential Moving Average (EMA) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods column :string Defines the data column name that contains the data over which the study will be applied. Default: 'close' name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ if not column: column=self._d['close'] study={'kind':'ema', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'column':column, 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':False},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_cci(self,periods=14,cci_upper=100,cci_lower=-100, showbands=True,str=None,name='',**kwargs): """ Commodity Channel Indicator study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods cci_upper : int Upper bands level default : 100 cci_lower : int Lower band level default : -100 showbands : boolean If True, then the cci_upper and cci_lower levels are displayed name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ study={'kind':'cci', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'high':self._d['high'],'low':self._d['low'],'close':self._d['close'], 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':True,'cci_upper':cci_upper, 'cci_lower':cci_lower,'showbands':showbands},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_adx(self,periods=14,str=None,name='',**kwargs): """ Add Average Directional Index (ADX) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ study={'kind':'adx', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'high':self._d['high'],'low':self._d['low'],'close':self._d['close'], 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':False},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_ptps(self,periods=14,af=0.2,initial='long',str=None,name='',**kwargs): """ Add Parabolic SAR (PTPS) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods af : float acceleration factor initial : 'long' or 'short' Iniital position default: long name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ study={'kind':'ptps', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'high':self._d['high'],'low':self._d['low'],'af':af,'initial':initial, 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':False},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_atr(self,periods=14,str=None,name='',**kwargs): """ Add Average True Range (ATR) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ study={'kind':'atr', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'high':self._d['high'],'low':self._d['low'],'close':self._d['close'], 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':False},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
[docs] def add_dmi(self,periods=14,str='{name}({period})', name='',**kwargs): """ Add Directional Movement Index (DMI) study to QuantFigure.studies Parameters: periods : int or list(int) Number of periods name : string Name given to the study str : string Label factory for studies The following wildcards can be used: {name} : Name of the column {study} : Name of the study {period} : Period used Examples: 'study: {study} - period: {period}' kwargs: legendgroup : bool If true, all legend items are grouped into a single one All formatting values available on iplot() """ study={'kind':'dmi', 'name':name, 'params':{'periods':periods,'high':self._d['high'],'low':self._d['low'],'close':self._d['close'], 'str':str}, 'display':utils.merge_dict({'legendgroup':False},kwargs)} self._add_study(study)
def _get_study_figure(self,study_id,**kwargs): study=copy.deepcopy(self.studies[study_id]) kind=study['kind'] display=study['display'] display['theme']=display.get('theme',self.theme['theme']) params=study['params'] name=study['name'] params.update(include=False) local_kwargs={} _slice=kwargs.pop('slice','slice',(None,None))) _resample=kwargs.pop('resample','resample',None)) df=self._get_sliced(_slice).copy() if _resample: if utils.is_list(_resample): df=self._get_resampled(*_resample,df=df) elif utils.is_dict(_resample): _resample.update(df=df) df=self._get_resampled(**_resample) else: df=self._get_resampled(_resample,df=df) def get_params(locals_list,params,display,append_study=True): locals_list.append('legendgroup') local_kwargs=utils.check_kwargs(display,locals_list,{},True) display.update(kwargs) if append_study: display=dict([('study_'+k,v) for k,v in display.items()]) params.update(display) return local_kwargs,params if kind=='volume': bar_colors=[] local_kwargs,params=get_params([],params,display,False) base=df[self._d[params['base']]] up_color=colors.normalize(display['up_color']) if 'rgba' not in display['up_color'] else display['up_color'] down_color=colors.normalize(display['down_color']) if 'rgba' not in display['down_color'] else display['down_color'] study_kwargs=utils.kwargs_from_keyword(kwargs,{},'study') for i in range(len(base)): if i != 0: if base[i] > base[i-1]: bar_colors.append(up_color) else: bar_colors.append(down_color) else: bar_colors.append(down_color) fig=df[params['column']].figure(kind='bar',theme=params['theme'],**kwargs)[0].update(marker=dict(color=bar_colors,line=dict(color=bar_colors)), opacity=0.8) if kind in ('sma','ema','atr','adx','dmi','ptps'): local_kwargs,params=get_params([],params,display) fig=df.ta_figure(study=kind,**params) if kind=='boll': local_kwargs,params=get_params(['fill','fillcolor'],params,display) fig=df.ta_figure(study=kind,**params) if local_kwargs['fill']: fillcolor=local_kwargs.pop('fillcolor',[2].line.get('color','rgba(200,200,200,.1)')) fillcolor=colors.to_rgba(fillcolor,.1)[2].update(fill='tonexty',fillcolor=fillcolor) if kind=='rsi': locals_list=['rsi_lower','rsi_upper','showbands'] local_kwargs,params=get_params(locals_list,params,display) fig=df.ta_figure(study=kind,**params) # del fig.layout['shapes'] # if local_kwargs['showbands']: # up_color=kwargs.get('up_color',self.theme['up_color']) # down_color=kwargs.get('down_color',self.theme['down_color']) # for _ in ('rsi_lower','rsi_upper'): #[0].copy() # trace.update(y=[local_kwargs[_] for x in trace['x']]) # trace.update(name='') # color=down_color if 'lower' in _ else up_color # trace.update(line=dict(color=color,width=1)) # if kind=='cci': locals_list=['cci_lower','cci_upper','showbands'] local_kwargs,params=get_params(locals_list,params,display) fig=df.ta_figure(study=kind,**params) # del fig.layout['shapes'] # if local_kwargs['showbands']: # up_color=kwargs.get('up_color',self.theme['up_color']) # down_color=kwargs.get('down_color',self.theme['down_color']) # for _ in ('cci_lower','cci_upper'): #[0].copy() # trace.update(y=[local_kwargs[_] for x in trace['x']]) # trace.update(name='') # color=down_color if 'lower' in _ else up_color # trace.update(line=dict(color=color,width=1)) # if kind=='macd': local_kwargs,params=get_params([],params,display) fig=df.ta_figure(study=kind,**params) if local_kwargs.get('legendgroup',False): fig.update_traces(legendgroup=name,showlegend=False)[0].update(showlegend=True,name=name) ## Has Bands if kind in ('rsi','cci'): _upper='{0}_upper'.format(kind) _lower='{0}_lower'.format(kind) del fig.layout['shapes'] if local_kwargs['showbands']: up_color=kwargs.get('up_color',self.theme['up_color']) down_color=kwargs.get('down_color',self.theme['down_color']) for _ in (_lower,_upper):[0].copy() trace.update(y=[local_kwargs[_] for x in trace['x']]) trace.update(name='') color=down_color if 'lower' in _ else up_color trace.update(line=dict(color=color,width=1)) return fig
[docs] def iplot(self,**kwargs): __QUANT_FIGURE_EXPORT = ['asFigure','asUrl','asImage','asPlot','display_image','validate', 'sharing','online','filename','dimensions'] layout=copy.deepcopy(self.layout) data=copy.deepcopy( self_kwargs=copy.deepcopy(self.kwargs) data['slice']=kwargs.pop('slice',data.pop('slice',(None,None))) data['resample']=kwargs.pop('resample',data.pop('resample',None)) asFigure=kwargs.pop('asFigure',False) showstudies=kwargs.pop('showstudies',True) study_kwargs=utils.kwargs_from_keyword(kwargs,{},'study',True) datalegend=kwargs.pop('datalegend',data.pop('datalegend',data.pop('showlegend',True))) export_kwargs = utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,__QUANT_FIGURE_EXPORT) _slice=data.pop('slice') _resample=data.pop('resample') panel_data={} for k in ['min_panel_size','spacing','top_margin','bottom_margin']: panel_data[k]=kwargs.pop(k,self.panels[k]) d=self_kwargs df=self._get_sliced(_slice).copy() if _resample: if utils.is_list(_resample): df=self._get_resampled(*_resample,df=df) elif utils.is_dict(_resample): _resample.update(df=df) df=self._get_resampled(**_resample) else: df=self._get_resampled(_resample,df=df) annotations=layout.pop('annotations') shapes=layout.pop('shapes') if not 'shapes' in shapes: shapes['shapes']=[] for trend in self.trendlines: _trend=self._get_trendline(**trend) shapes['shapes'].append(_trend['shape']) if 'text' in _trend['annotation']: annotations['values'].append(_trend['annotation']) shape_kwargs=utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,get_shapes_kwargs(),{},clean_origin=True) for k,v in list(shape_kwargs.items()): if k in shapes: shapes[k].append(v) else: shapes[k]=[v] for _ in [data,layout, self._d, self.theme,{'annotations':annotations['values']}, annotations['params'],shapes]: if _: d=utils.merge_dict(d,_) d=utils.deep_update(d,kwargs) d=tools.updateColors(d) fig=df.figure(**d) if d['kind'] not in ('candle','candlestick','ohlc'): fig.move_axis(yaxis='y2') else: if not datalegend:[0]['decreasing'].update(showlegend=False)[0]['increasing'].update(showlegend=False) panel_data['n']=1 which=fig.axis['which']['y'] which.sort() max_panel=int(which[-1][1:]) figures=[] if showstudies: kwargs=utils.check_kwargs(kwargs,['theme','up_color','down_color'],{},False) kwargs.update(**study_kwargs) kwargs.update(slice=_slice,resample=_resample) for k,v in list(self.studies.items()): study_fig=self._get_study_figure(k,**kwargs) if v['kind'] in ('boll','sma','ema','ptps'): study_fig.move_axis(yaxis='y2') if v['kind'] in ('rsi','volume','macd','atr','adx','cci','dmi'): max_panel+=1 panel_data['n']+=1 study_fig.move_axis(yaxis='y{0}'.format(max_panel)) figures.append(study_fig) figures.append(fig) fig=tools.merge_figures(figures) fig['layout']['xaxis1']['anchor']='y2' domains=self._panel_domains(**panel_data) fig.layout.update(**domains) if not d.get('rangeslider',False): try: del fig['layout']['yaxis1'] except: pass if asFigure: return fig else: return fig.iplot(**export_kwargs)
def __getitem__(self,key): return self.__dict__[key] def __repr__(self): _d=self.__dict__.copy() del _d['df'] print(json.dumps(_d,sort_keys=True, indent=4)) return ''