First Post

This is the first post on my new blog. I'm starting this whole project up because... well because I love to try out new stuff. I've read about the rubber duck method of debugging, and it inspired me, because even if no one ever reads this blog, it will help me to process my thoughts and guide my learning and work. It also provides me a medium to show off all the work that I've been doing, and hopefully, to provide examples and guidance for those who like to learn new stuff off the internet (much like myself).

The Platform

I started this blog on github using jekyll, because it was something nifty and new: all of these posts are written in markdown! I also decided to use this platform because... well because it's free! I'm using a slightly modified version of the Hyde theme for Poole. Poole, in turn, is a boilerplate for Jekyll. The combination of these technologies allowed me to get this freely-hosted blog platform (thanks github) up and running. The repository containing the code for this site can be found here.
